Home Learning

Daily Tasks Monday 20th April

Good morning everyone and welcome to the Summer Term. I hope you have all had a good Easter with LOTS OF CHOCOLATE !!!

For the moment we are still doing our learning through the school website but hopefully we will be able to meet up again back at school before too long.

Today’s tasks are as follows …..

Maths No Problem

Chapter 8 Decimals: Lesson 10 …….  Comparing and Ordering Decimals

Textbook pages 31 – 34    Workbook pages   19 & 20

Lesson Notes:  Prepare the materials as shown in the In Focus task.

To begin this lesson, show pupils the In Focus task and ask them to read the game instructions. Is this game similar to the game they played in the previous lesson? What is different? In this game, the players can place the digit in the ones place. They can also place the digit in any place they like, regardless of the sequence of the numbers rolled.

Discuss Emma’s statement. Is she correct? How can we find out? Is there a strategy to increase the chances of winning the game?

Demonstrate how to play the game, thinking aloud when deciding where to place the digits. Invite two pupils to play the game with you. Use number discs to compare the three numbers, then show them on a number line as well as using a place-value chart as shown in Let’s Learn 2. Finally, arrange the three numbers in order from smallest to greatest.

Ask pupils to play the game in groups of three and record their comparisons. After three rounds, bring pupils back together as a class and ask if Emma’s statement is correct and if they have a winning strategy. At the end of the game, pupils should be able to conclude that the comparisons should start by comparing the ones, then the tenths and then the hundredths.

During Guided Practice, pupils are comparing and ordering decimals up to 2 places.


Mental Maths / Arithmetic … multiplying 3 single digit numbers

This link might be useful: https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/video/item433809/grade2/module414577/index.html

2 x 4 x 5 =               3 x 2 x 4 =            2 x 2 x 5 =            6 x 3 x 4 =             5 x 4 x 7 =


Writing Task

The writing tasks over the next 2 weeks will be taken from the Talk For Writing ..  Home – School booklet which you can find if you open this link:

T4W The King Of The Fishes

The idea is that each day I will post on the daily tasks, which task from the booklet to do.  There is no need for you to print out the booklet, you could do the tasks in your exercise book.

Today I would like you to:

1st do the task on page 3

2nd read the story on page 4 and 5

3rd do the task on page 6


Weekly Topic Task

For the Summer term we will be leaving Shakespeare behind and starting a new topic called Road Trip USA which will have a geography focus.

To begin with, I  would like you to start to get to know your way around the USA. Research how many states the USA is made up of. Try to locate them on an online map. When you have found out the name of the states and where in the USA they are located, then use the link below to open a powerpoint and drag the names of the states into their correct location.

2014-road_eng_map_digital_map_of_the_us_blank (1)

Please don’t forget to read today. ‘The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more places you will go.’ You should be able to access the book quizzes and don’t forget to go on Lexia (if you have a log in) for 15 minutes each day. Well done everyone.