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Daily Tasks – Monday 30th March

Good morning everyone. Hope you have all had a relaxing weekend and everyone is well.

To start with, here are the answers to last Friday’s arithmetic questions.

430 + 570 = 1000       640 + 360 = 1000       720 + 280 = 1000       650 + 350 = 1000

260 + 740 = 1000

680 + 320 = 820 + 180          210 + 790 =  750 + 250        450 + 550 = 490 + 510

Today’s tasks are as follows …..

Maths No Problem

Chapter 8 Decimals: Lesson 5 Writing Hundredths

Textbook pages 14, 15, 16    Workbook pages   9 & 10

Today’s lesson builds on from the previous lesson on hundredths.

Lesson Notes:  To begin this lesson, show pupils the In Focus task and discuss where they may have seen weighing scales before and why they are useful. Allow them time to consider the units of measure in pairs and encourage them to make links between hundredths and the scale. What does one large square show on the scale? What does one small square show? How can we record our answers? Work through the examples in Let’s Learn thinking aloud to help pupils consolidate learning.

During Guided Practice, pupils are reading and writing numbers shown on scales, and using Base 10 materials to show decimals in pairs. Before they begin, discuss how Base 10 materials can be used to represent decimal numbers.

Mental Maths / Arithmetic

8 times table;

1st sing-a-long to Adele’s 8x table song – open link

2nd make and play 8x table snap. Divide a piece of A4 into 24 sections. In 12 of the sections write an eight times table question. In the other 12 sections write an answer. Cut out the 24 sections. Shuffle. Divide the 24 sections between you and your Mum / Dad  and play snap.

Writing Task

How are you getting on with writing your Macbeth newspaper article? If you still have some of it to complete then carry on with that today.

For those of you who have finished have a go at ‘mucking about’ with a sentence. Let me explain.

1st Write a simple sentence: eg The cat ran along the wall.

2nd Add some adjectives &/or adverbs to the sentence: The sleek cat ran carelessly along the mossy wall.

3rd Now extend the sentence using ‘because’:  The sleek cat ran carelessly along the mossy wall because the next door neighbour’s dog was barking.

Try switching the end of the sentence to the beginning: Because the next door neighbour’s dog was barking, the sleek cat ran carelessly along the mossy wall.

4th Move the adverb: Carelessly, because the next door neighbour’s dog was barking, the sleek cat ran along the mossy wall.

Keep on playing with the sentence and listen to how it sounds – for the reader.

eg add in alliteration, a simile, personification:

The cool crafty cat ran recklessly along the white wobbly wall.

Weekly Topic Task

Watch another video from some Newsround presenters about Shakespeare and the times that he lived in.


At the end of the video, the presenters challenge you to write your own witches’ potion. We have already done this at school, so what I would like you to do is to research on the internet about St Francis Drake – who was one of the great explorers in Shakespeare’s time. What did he discover, why is he so well known in British history. Perhaps you could make an information sheet about him and his discoveries.

Please don’t forget to read today. ‘The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more places you will go.’ You should be able to access the book quizzes and don’t forget to go on Lexia (if you have a log in) for 15 minutes each day. Well done everyone.