
Adding Fractions

A few weeks ago Year 3 completed their first unit around Fractions before moving on to Mass and Capacity. Today, we started our second unit around Fractions where the children began learning how to add fractions together.

Before we began, we had a quick recap of what fractions are (parts of a whole) and naming the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) – I couldn’t believe how much the children remembered, what a great start to the lesson! We then moved on to our journaling where the children were faced with a practical challenge and had to use a slip of paper and fold it in to halves and then quarters. This helped the children to then independently tackle the rest of the problem which involved colouring in 1 quarter one colour and then 2 quarters another colour. This lead them to work out that 1/4 was one colour and 2/4 were another colour. Finally they then added the numerators together, kept the denominators the same and worked out that the total parts coloured in were 3/4.

They then moved on to their workbook which they flew through! They certainly showed great resilience this morning and were reflective in the fact they worked hard to use what they had learnt previously to help them with today’s task.

I am already looking forward to seeing them subtract fractions on Monday!

Great work, Year 3 🙂


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