
Beanstalks and Beat Band Boogie!

We have had an exciting and busy start to the new half term in Year 2!

On Monday, we returned to school to find some intriguing items in our classroom…a watering can, some soil, a silver spade (trowel) and a bean. After some speculation, we were later introduced to our new model text – an instruction text called ‘How to Grow a Giant Beanstalk’. We learnt to retell this set of instructions using our text map and actions to help us. A copy of the text map has been sent home and can also be found here: Instructions Text Map

Over the week, we began to create a toolkit for an effective instruction text. We learnt how to write command sentences and how to use adverbs and conjunctions in our writing.

This week also marked the start of our new topic, ‘Beat Band Boogie!’ and what fun we have had already! On Tuesday, we formed our own ‘kitchen beat band’ using various household (kitchen) items to create and combine layers of sound. Later in the afternoon, we explored different locations around the school grounds where we could use a stick to play out a beat or make an interesting sound. The following day we identified these locations on an aerial map of the school and recorded them using a simple key.

In another Music lesson, we explored the amazing ways in which people in a variety of places around the world use their voices to make music. We learnt about opera singers,  acapella groups, Inuit throat singing, scat singing (jazz) and even had a go at some yodelling!

What a brilliant start to the half term, well done Class Two!

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