
Can you smell that?!

We’ve been having a smelly time in Class Two this week!

On Tuesday we tested our sense of smell using sensory tubs. We had to smell, describe and try to identify the different materials within the pots. It was quite tricky and interesting to hear the different descriptions and how we all like and dislike different smells.

After, we used our sense of touch and sight, as well as smell, to experience and describe different herbs. We talked about their uses and looked at an identification key to help us recognise them.

We also made our own eco-friendly flower pots and then planted some Sweet Pea seeds which we are looking after.  We hope to plant them outside in our school garden when they begin to grow. We’re very excited to see what’s going to happen!

In English, we’ve continued to learn the story ‘Monkey See – Monkey Do’ and have been developing our understanding of the story and how it is structured – opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending. Please continue to practise the story at home and have fun changing and adding in your own ideas.

In Maths, we’ve continued to learn about fractions, moving onto three quarters and thirds.

We’re enjoying our class novel ‘Hodgeheg’ and can’t wait to find out if Max will ever make it across the road to the park!

We can’t wait for another exciting week of learning next week.

We hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Mrs Murray and Mrs Clark

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