
Day Two at St Ives

Day Two at St Ives


Day two has come and gone and the children have had an awesome day! After a brisk room inspection, breakfast and shower, the children began packing their belongings ready for another day of activities.

We began by visiting both the Tate and the Barbara Hepworth Museums where we gazed at contemporary art and had a go at sketching some of the intriguing sculptures.

Later on, the children then had a go at soap carving where they created a sculpture inspired by Barbara Hepworth. The children also ventured down into the town where they were allowed to spend their pennies on trinkets and Cornish fudge.

This evening, we ate a delicious plate of lasagne followed by a refreshing fruit cocktail. We then headed to the beach to splash in the ocean, play in the sand and we even had an impromptu volleyball match! The children are now chilling in the hostel watching England play, playing BINGO, card games or colouring.

Soon, I’m sure they’ll be tucked up in their beds, talking about the brilliant day they’ve had at St Ives.

Tomorrow, we surf…


Mr. P




3 comments on “Day Two at St Ives

  1. Jim Lucking says:

    Great photos again, looks like they are having an amazing time

  2. This was the beeeeeeeeeeest residential eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!

  3. i loved going on the residential. I loved making the den and getting a bit wet in the face

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