
How far has Your Food Travelled?

As part of our Sow, Grow and Farm topic and leading into our next English Discussion Test unit, today we used our Geography skills to look at countries of origin, transport and food miles of various different foods and produce.

We began by looking at the difference between eating locally and buying food in a supermarket.  We then thought about where food in a supermarket comes from and how it gets there.  We discussed the term Food Miles as meaning how far an item of food has travelled from picking to plate.

Using Google Earth and Google Maps, we calculated the distances between the original countries of different foods and our home town, then thought about the transport used to get it there.

We were really engaged and interested in this today and have been amazed at how far some of our everyday foods have travelled.  Ask us what the furthest distance was for the food we researched!  It will be brilliant to take this learning further next term when we look at the benefits and drawbacks of both shopping locally or importing food from afar, keep an eye out for more information soon!

One comment on “How far has Your Food Travelled?

  1. Molly Foster says:

    This was a very interesting lesson

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