
Misty Mountain, Winding River

Ain’t no mountain high enough
Ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough
To keep me from learning about you, baby!


Well, what a start to life back at school! We were introduced to our new topic called ‘Misty Mountain, Winding River’ and it was great to see that a few children went and learnt all about mountains and rivers over the festive period and some even created marvellous mountain models!

We began this afternoon exploring what the children already know about mountains and rivers and what they wish to get out of the topic. Here are just a few questions the children are desperate to know the answer to…


– Has a child ever climbed Mount Everest?

-Why does it get colder the higher you climb up a mountain?

-How long is the River Thames?

-What wildlife and plants live on mountains and in rivers?


As geographers, we then learnt all about geographical vocabulary associated with rivers. The children had to listen carefully to an informative video and try to match the words with the correct definitions to show they had understood the vocabulary. They did extremely well and, I must say, despite having a two week break the children were keen to produce their best handwriting in order to produce a piece of work they could be proud of.

What a way to start the term. Well done, Year 4!

Mr. Prior


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