
The History of Anaesthesia

The History of Anaesthesia 


This afternoon, the children had to wear their history hats as they were tasked with researching the history of anaesthesia. We began by discussing what an anaesthetic is and when you might have it. We then discussed what the word chronological meant (which we now know means placing events in a particular order).

The children were then required to place dates and discoveries of easing pain during operations and surgeries in the correct order. This at first seemed tricky, however once we learnt what BC and AD stood for, the children were able to confidently order the events on a timeline.

Tomorrow, we are going to read a range of first-hand historical accounts of dentistry or surgery undertaken without anaesthetic and compare medical treatments in the past to today.

Well done, Year 4. You most certainly became heroic historians this afternoon!

Mr. P

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