
What Drama!

What Drama!


In our first writing unit this half term, we will be learning a story called ‘Reilly’. It’s a warning tale about a magical boy who gets into all sorts of trouble when he decides to use a shopping trolley as a go kart…

Our main aim in this unit is to help children develop their ability to describe characters, settings, thoughts and feelings and objects. To get children thinking about all the possible things that can be described in a story, we came up with some story scenarios and the children had to explain what they were and enter a scene. They would then stay in freeze frame for the remainder of the task. Here are the scenarios:


  • Warned not to go near the edge of a cliff.
  • Told not to play near the train platform.
  • Warned not to climb up the pylon as it’s dangerous.
  • Warned not to travel on an aeroplane as the weather is expected to be terrible.


From train tracks to the howling wind, pylons to worried parents, the children created some fantastic scenes!

A very enjoyable lesson indeed.

Mr. P

2 comments on “What Drama!

  1. Drama was amazing 🀩 I loved it so much!

  2. I really liked the drama. It was soooo funπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ‘‘πŸ˜‚

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