
What should we do with our litter?

This week in Year 1 we have been looking at our school environment as part of our ‘School Days’ topic.

Below you can see some posters that we have made about littering and what we should be doing with our rubbish!

We started off by watching a video about rubbish and what happens to the different types of rubbish that we have. We talked about things that could be recycled and the different bins that we have in our classroom. We also discussed what might happen to our litter if it is left on the ground. Where will it end up? Will it end up in the ocean?

It is really important to keep our school and local environment tidy and clean. This helps to protect not only us, but other people and the wildlife in our area. It also makes Southill School, Southill and Weymouth a much nicer and safer place to be!!

We hope you like our posters below!


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