
Year 1 – Dreams and Goals

This half term in Year 1 we are learning about dreams and goals as part of our Jigsaw lessons.

This week started off with a discussion about success and what it means to be successful. Children were encouraged to think about their successes and how they felt when they had achieved a goal.

After some time to reflect on this everyone wrote one of their successes on a ‘success coin’. Jigsaw Jack had a special box which he is going to keep our successes in. So we bought our coin up and shared our success with the rest of the class.

We talked about how we can be successful in all different aspects of life and that everyone is successful with different thing at different times. Successes are personal and therefore it is ok that yours is different to someone else. We focused on how you feel when you are successful and how you feel when you are not, all of these feeling are normal and it is ok to sometimes feel disappointed.

Together we decided that, when we feel disappointed or like we cannot achieve something, we need to be resilient like Captain Shelby and not give up!! We can just say ‘I can’t do it YET!’

The next part of the session looked at how bigger ‘goals’ need to be broken down into smaller stepping stones to help us feel successful and achieve them. Our activity focused on how to make a friendship band. Initially lots of us weren’t sure how to do it. After some discussion we broke the activity into smaller, manageable steps which everyone was able to follow.

And in the end, we were successful in making a friendship band to give to one of our friends in our class!

Well done Year 1!!


2 comments on “Year 1 – Dreams and Goals

  1. Lucy Weeks says:

    Ostin has loved being back to school this week. Another great week in Year 1 !! Thank you

  2. George Murray says:

    I really liked passing Jigsaw Jack around the circle and I enjoyed stepping on the stepping stones. It makes me happy and proud when I succeed. I have to take my time when I find something tricky.

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