
Maths and The Moon.

Wow, what a spectacular week of learning we have had Year 5!

We have really enjoyed our Maths Week, looking at maths all around us, solving mysteries and puzzles.  Look at our amazing tessellations!  We have shown great resilience when using shapes in our maths thinking to repeat patterns, these are amazing! It has been great to see how maths is in everything we do and to have fun exploring the investigative and creative side of maths.

In other news, we have continued our learning about our Earth and Moon in space and have studied how the moon’s orbit shows as different phases depending on it’s position in space and how shaded by the sun it is.  Can you see how we replicated the moon’s orbit in order to see how it works? Well done Year 5, so resourceful!

One comment on “Maths and The Moon.

  1. Mia Gillicker says:

    I love doing all of these things! Hope we get to do more!!

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