
Maths Mad!

This weeks blog post is focused on all things Maths!

As you know we are using Maths No Problem in year 1. This blog post shares with you some of the key parts of the lesson and some pictures of what this currently looks like in Year 1.

At the beginning of the lesson we start with the ‘In focus’ activity. This has a picture modeling the concept that we are learning, as well as a question which the children discuss with their math partner. We then share ideas as a class. These ideas help us to think about how we will find our answer, what do we need to do next? Do we have any resources that we could use to help us model our ideas and support our understanding? Some days we record our ideas in our Maths Journals – this is a skill we are working on and will continue to build throughout the year.

We then move onto the ‘Guided Practice’. This is where we work through lots of examples together. In year 1 we spend lots of the lesson working through examples, using our maths resources to help us and talking about what we are doing and why. This is the time for us to consolidate our understanding and apply the skills we have learnt.

Once we are confident we then move onto our ‘Work book’. This is where we practice applying our new leaning completely independently across a range of different questions. Some days in Year 1 we will work through some workbook pages with adult support. This helps us to understand they layout of the books, where to answer the questions and generally familiarizes ourselves with how the questions could look. All of these concepts are new to us, so it is important that we take our time to ensure that we are understanding what the question is asking us for and where to write the answer.

You can see some pictures below of us working through different stages.

Well done Year 1 – you are doing a brilliant job. I am really proud of you all



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