
It is our policy that all children should wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. We respectfully request that before purchasing any item that is not specifically listed that you check with school to ensure suitability. It is our aim to keep our uniform consistent. We ask that all parents support our effort to make all aspects of our school outstanding and we believe, as far as possible, a strict adherence to our uniform policy helps.

At Southill, we believe that a school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school;
  • engenders a feeling of community and belonging;
  • supports positive behaviour and discipline;
  • is practical and smart;
  • identifies the children with the school, and encourages identity with the school;
  • makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
  • prevents children coming to school in fashion or ‘designer’ label clothes that could be distracting in class or create a sense of competition;
  • is regarded as suitable, appropriate and value for money by most parents.

The Role of Parents/Carers

We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy.

Southill Primary welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are strong reasons, e.g. on religious grounds, why parents would like their child to wear clothes that differ from school uniform, the school will give consideration to such requests. Similarly, should an item of school uniform prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities, parents are invited to draw this to the attention of the headteacher.

The Role of Governors

The governing body supports the headteacher in implementing the school uniform policy, and liaises with the headteacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity. It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure the school uniform meets all national regulations concerning equal opportunities, and that our school uniform policy is consistent with our policy on equal opportunities. Governors ensure that the school uniform policy helps children to dress sensibly, in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical.

Clothing Grant

School can provide assistance for uniform. The Governors have decided that the criteria  for this assistance is that parents must be entitled to free school meals for their child. Vouchers will be provided for purchase of school uniform during the school year. For further information, please contact the office staff.

Second-hand uniform

Second-hand uniforms can benefit all parents, not just those on lower incomes. It is also better for the planet, as selling uniform in this way can extend the life of garments and therefore cut down on waste. We are able to supply second-hand uniform through FOSS, the friends of Southill School. You can contact them about this in a number of ways:

Uniform Guidance


On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school, except for watches and small ear-studs.

Rec/KS1 (up to and including Year 2) children should not wear any earrings to school – if you do wish to have your child’s ears pierced, please wait until the summer break so they have time to heal.

KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) children may wear simple, small studs. These should be removed by the child before P.E.

Children in either Key Stage who, for whatever reason, cannot remove their own earrings will be given micropore tape so that they can cover their earrings themselves before taking part in PE lessons.


The school does not want children to have haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. Parents should also be aware that hair braids with beads are not permitted. Hair should be of a ’natural’ colour. Long hair should be tied up and ribbons, bows, bobbles, hair bands and slides should be small and simple in style and colour. Short hair should be neat and tidy please – we don’t request any styles or specific length – but do ask you to avoid tramlines and/or shapes cut into the hair.


If there is any area of the uniform we find harder than others, it is the shoes children wear to school. Our older children in particular are keen to wear sports branded, canvas style shoes and this can lead to peer pressure and competitiveness – exactly the things the uniform policy is there to avoid. So we have some very clear and straightforward rules for shoes. Children should wear black shoes to school. Trainers or canvas shoes are not allowed. They should not have any sports or fashion-label branding.

We believe that it is unsafe for children to wear shoes with platform soles, open toed sandals, or high heels in school, so we do not allow this. Black boots are acceptable in the winter months.

Our school promotes the use of practical shoes that are well maintained and reflect our commitment to smart appearance and pride in school identity.

The Southill School uniform can be purchased from two suppliers

  • Dorset Print and Embroidery, Lynch Lane, Weymouth
  • Dorset Schoolwear Shop, Caroline Place, Weymouth

All articles of clothing should be labelled clearly with the child’s name. Please click here to download the school uniform factsheet – all the information you need on one handy sheet!

  • Royal blue sweatshirt with logo or cardigan with logo (the logo is an essential part of the uniform – please do not buy plain sweatshirts instead)
  • (Fleece jacket with logo is also available)
  • White polo shirt (preferably with logo) or plain white cotton shirt
  • Black/grey trousers or shorts (no jeans or leggings)
  • Black/grey pinafore dress, straight or pleated school skirt (blue gingham dress in summer)
  • Black/grey skirt (of a sensible length)
  • Black, grey or white socks
  • Black or grey tights
  • Black shoes – not canvas or sport-branded

PE Kit

  • Yellow, blue, green or red t-shirt (dependent on house teams – please ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure)
  • Black or blue PE shorts
  • Black plimsolls for indoor use
  • Warmer clothing (eg tracksuit) for outdoor PE
  • Trainers for outdoor use
  • Labelled bag

Most parents try hard to support our uniform policy and so it is not fair on the majority if individual children wear anything very different.

Extreme Weather

Children should dress appropriately for extreme weather conditions. In the summer it is vital that children have a protective sun hat or cap. Sun cream should be applied to children before they arrive at school on hot summer days. Boots and sufficiently warm waterproof coats should be provided in extremely wet or snowy weather.

Southill Primary School Uniform