The governors are a hard-working group who work closely with the staff to direct and monitor the work of the school. Currently, our governing body is made up as follows:

Ellie Doyle
Clerk to the Govenors
The governors are a hard-working group who work closely with the staff to direct and monitor the work of the school. Currently, our governing body is made up as follows:
Clerk to the Govenors
Co-opted Governor
Local Authority Governor
Local Authority Governor
I have worked in education for over 20 years, and chose this career path as I believe an education for all is vitally important. Children in schools today are our future and I am pleased to offer my support to help ensure they get the best education possible.
My skills lie within School Financial Management and I am currently studying towards a Chartered Managers Degree for Schools.
Co-opted Governor
Co-opted Governor
Co-opted Governor
I joined the Southill governing board as a co-opted governor in January 2022. I look forward to working with the school community in ensuring all children enjoy school and are challenged to their full potential.
As a former head and school leader, I am passionate about promoting high standards of educational achievement for all children. In my role as a school leader, I worked successfully with several boards. I understand the value they can add strategically, have benefitted from their wise counsel and witnessed the growth that can come about through pertinent challenges. I hope my skill-set, driven by the School’s vision can help drive forward Southill’s ambitions and development.
I was born in Bournemouth and have now returned to Dorset with my partner via London, Taunton, Canada and Germany.
My teaching career has mainly been in independent and international schools for children aged 3 to 18. For the latter part of my career, I have worked with the inspiring International Baccalaureate curricular, an inclusive and challenging suite of programmes.
I am delighted to be able to serve my local community as a School Governor and also volunteer at both the Radipole and Lodmoor RSPB reserves.
Chair of Governors
Chair of Governors
As a parent of two children, one of which is in year one, I am looking to Southill School to help my children learn and mature ready for the next stage of their lives. They cannot do it alone and as a parent I feel it is important to support the school with any help they need. I have a passion for child development from many years of textbook learning and volunteering for a degree in child education. I like to see children really getting involved with their own learning, developing their own passions and discovering who they are as they grow up.
I joined the team here at Southill in September 2011. Over the years I have taught in Reception, Year 1, 4, 5 and 6. I’m really proud to be part of the team because I’ve always believed that a good education is more than just learning facts and figures – it’s about learning to be the best person you can be. At Southill we help our pupils become resilient and resourceful learners who can work with others and reflect on their learning and experiences, making links with the wider world and becoming thoughtful and caring citizens.
I’m married with two grown-up daughters. I love books, films, history and watching live music.