Home Learning

Read, read, read!

Reading is the most important thing children can do to ensure future life success. It consistently builds language skills, enhances knowledge, and enables pupils to access the wider curriculum. Like you, we have huge aspirations for all our pupils; we want them to have choices in their future careers. Therefore, we ask that you support your child to read at least 5 times a week at home, on top of the reading opportunities they get at school. This should be a fun and positive experience for all. You/your child (depending on the age and stage of their reading development) should use their reading record to record these reads. Please make sure the reading record and book comes to school every day. If you need any ideas or support, please ask your child’s class teacher or Caroline.


KS1- Numbots

Numbots is a highly engaging platform for learning to add and subtract. It is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. We encourage KS1 children to engage and practise on this platform each week.

Numbots Parents Guide

KS2- Times Table Rock Stars

Mastery of multiplication tables lays the groundwork for more advanced maths concepts, such as division, fractions, and algebra (later in their learning journey). Knowing times tables off by heart enables children to focus on the more complex areas of maths. We encourage regular times tables practice, each week, and celebrate this at school.

TT Rockstars Parent Guide



Structured, sequenced spelling lessons that teach and practise new spellings and are linked to writing projects now feature in our curriculum. Teachers will be able to assess children’s progress and attainment much more accurately as part of the lesson. So we will no longer set spellings each week or test them on Fridays but we will provide spelling lists for each year group so that you can practise at home if you wish. Some exciting ways to practise these can be found using the spelling menu below:

Spelling Menu for ideas

Year 1 Common exception words

Year 2 Common exception words

Y3/4 Common exception words

Year 5/6 Common exception words